Customer Testimonials

We discovered GBAG a few years ago and have since placed roughly 60 orders for custom overseas bags.  Prior to working with GBAG we tried several other partners for our overseas orders, but none have been nearly as reliable.  All communication - from questions and samples, to orders, confirmations and proofs — is quick, professional and accurate.  The quality of the bags and printing is also top notch. Not only that, but our orders have been on time, or earlier than expected, and in some cases done in record time!  We are so happy to have found them and we look forward to many more years of success with GBAG!

We have been working with GBAG for the past 6years and have found them to be the best bag company in our industry. Every order we have done with them over the years has been superior from the quality of the bags to the customer service which is beyond reproach.  We highly recommend GBAG....Once you have used them you will keep coming back for more!

Absolutely you are the best!

Thank you again for all your hard work. I had lunch with this client today and she absolutely LOVES the bags. They added two more retail stores and are still growing rapidly.. They are happy with our work and plan on more business with us in 2013!We are thrilled to have you part of our JAZ team!

N. K.
Most of the bags were delivered on Wed and the remaining 2 boxes were delivered on Thursday and they absolutely LOVE THEM!!!  I was really stressing out on this order from the start and you were so helpful in every step throughout this process, I can’t thank you enough!!  Like I said when we started I want to build a solid relationship with you and G-Bag and this first order was a “home run” so I am looking forward to working with you on all my future bag products, and might be using you for other overseas jobs because you seem to have all the right contacts and I need someone I can trust for overseas orders that will work with me to make sure things go smooth.


I really appreciate your excellent products and services.  This was the largest promotional product order I ever had and I was a little nervous about it.  You made it easy.

Thanks, Gail

I respect all of your effort and diligence in getting this job done. I certainly will put you on the top of the list in customer service and when the next job comes up. My customer received the bottoms the other day and was very excited. This 'plum' bag will be repeat order as they go through them

Beautiful! As always. Thank you. Okay to proceed and, again, thank you for your generosity!

I do enjoy working with you. The client was delighted with the bag, and I was pleased with your wonderful service.

M.L., California USA
Anna, you are awesome.... Thanks for over-achieving!

You're the best – thanks!

N.S., Offbeat Productions
They look fantastic.... I appreciate your service and I remember it!

We have received our sample, and the team loves the bag.

A.T., St. Maarten, N.A.
Thanks again, Anna, for all your dedication. It has been a real pleasure working with you. I will always remember you and your company because you made my...order a huge success.... You have been delivering as you promised, and I thank you for that immensely. Once again thanks for everything.

Got the sample. It looks great. Very dramatic.

Dear Anna, I went to Fedex office early this morning and picked up the package. The bag is beautiful indeed. The client has inspected it, is very happy with it and has given us the go-ahead to print the full order. Thanks again for all your effort

M.L., California, USA
Feedback has been awesome.... My client loved them.... All I heard so far! Thanks for your help and support.... Hopefully these will become an 'everyday' item.

Dear Anna, You have truly gone beyond the call of duty. I truly appreciate all you have done and are continuing to do to meet or exceed our client's expectations. You are inspiring me to travel through the Islands to push your bags. It's been truly an exceptional working experience and working relationship. Thanks again for all your effort.

I just opened the package, and I think the bag looks totally awesome! Thanks for all your hard work on it! We will do many more bags together! You are a joy to work with! Thanks again!

Anna was excellent! She had fantastic follow through and a wonderful product! I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and will do so in the future!

You were awesome! Thank you very much and I will be getting back to you about future orders.

Thank you for your company being so wonderful on this project! We are excited about more projects to come. :)

I have been so pleased with your customer service, knowledge and quick response to all my questions!

EXCELLENT! These look great and I cannot thank you enough for getting these in time! My client is loving these bags, so I am confident this will bring us more business. Also I am hoping others at the trade show will love them as well and maybe express interest in doing these same bags. So this is all great news! Thanks so very much again, Anna!

I really appreciate all your work! You've been awesome to work with on this project!

I have never had such an incredible experience as I had with gBag. Anna went above and beyond and basically held my hand every step of the way. I have never been so impressed with a supplier. If every supplier was like gBag, life would be wonderful. Great pricing and awesome product!

I also wanted to let you and your boss (unless you are the boss, I don't know) what a pleasure it was to work with you. You were so responsive, professional and efficient. I had been told that I was given the order because I was the only one that could commit to the date, so of course, I was a little nervous that they knew something that I didn't. But in fact, I did know something that they didn't. I knew about the gBag company. Thank you for everything and I look forward to more orders to send to you.
